Writing a Blog Post Everyday, Slowly...

mindfulness Dec 29, 2021

Goals, yay!

No, no, writing a blog post everyday has nothing to do with setting a goal and being a New Years Resolution dink. 

As I mentioned in previous posts, I just love writing and typing so why not see what arises through the writing process?

I've been going to yoga almost every evening throughout the past month and it's been such a useful tool to not only heal my forever herniated cervical discs, but also to bring my mind back to centre when it drifts a little too far from shore. 

Thoughts of career came up today as the "I don't know" is a forever prevalent answer for the question "what should I do?"

I find it difficult to imagine myself in a standard 9-5 job, which is why I quit my job in account management in 2018. 

I've signed up for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training and will also most likely travel somewhere warm to do my Yoga Teacher Training. 

Yes, anxiety can be thought of as the dizziness of freedom. It's so important to have structure and some sort of routine to ground us in time and space. 

I'm fortunate to have a successful speaking and consulting business so the possibilities are seemingly wide-open for the future. 

I'm truly enjoying bringing my mind and body into a new state of awareness and slowly listening and waiting patiently for things to shift once again. 

It's amazing what happens when we're in no rush to get somewhere. Simply let life unfold before us and we get to see what is actually there. This can be such a painful process of shock and surprise. 

It's what happens when we are rushing through our chores, our formal education, getting degrees, getting the job we always wanted and then...

We wake up one day and don't know who we are and realize we missed so much along the way. 

Time is my ally and time can be yours too. Patience my friends. 

Thanks for reading. 



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