Personal Update II: A Journey Through Hell

mental health personal story Oct 14, 2021

I hope this post finds you well and can offer both a feeling "it's okay to be who and where you are" but also strategies to move you forward gently if you sense that it's the right time.

Personal Update

*Quick diet update: Still no/little sugar, no alcohol, no dairy, caffeine, no beans/peas, wheat or citrus* If you are curious about diet and depression/anxiety, be sure to check out my podcast with Kelly Brogan, Dr. Amen and Matt Janes.
You wake up with a backache. You twist an ankle just from walking to work. You get a headache from too much screen-time. Just by existing, we create these uncomfortable symptoms. That's life.
Knowing that life is suffering takes the weight off of demanding perfection from ourselves and thinking pain or symptoms of pure existence is somehow always avoidable. Yeah, the Buddha guy got it right in my experience. Well, Christianity has a similar message of bearing our own cross and transcending suffering through the example of Jesus Christ. I bet they would both be best buddies today if they met.

So, the good news is I can move my head from left to right without brain pain! Yes, through treatment and funky exercises alongside the gruelling reality of being patient, I'm improving fast. Listening to my body is definitely a lost art and skill and it's something I work on every single day. I'm learning that parts of ourselves that need attention will, sooner or later, get the attention they ask for. The body is too smart and we are constantly getting signals but in my experience, I get too busy to listen sometimes.

Slow down, Scott. Patience. Patience.

I'm continuing to tend to the parts of myself that had been 'depressed' or 'depressed' or 'compressed' and see what emerges from the vastness of the unknown.

There are a few specialists that have helped me bring my mind and body back to life over the past year. The rates they charge reflect their expertise and results their clients see, however, without insurance was a little stuck. Yay, entrepreneur life.

Remember, I saw 12 doctors over the past year but none of them really knew how to help the psychosomatic symptoms and emotionally built up stress in my body.

And then...

I found Thomas Hein (in the picture below). I've never known anyone who knows integrative medicine like Thomas and the passion for his work shines so incredibly bright. I'll be interviewing him on the podcast when I come back to the online world to show people what is really possible in healing through trauma amongst other emotionally driven pathologies.

So I'm on his table and he is working is magic which I still don't quite understand. Here's what happened:

Me: "This is really embarrassing for me to bring up"

Thomas: "Pay whatever you can"

Then I cried on his table.

No one is ever obligated to be selfless, kind, empathetic or generous. The ultimate sense of love that we feel from others never feels forced. He did this because he is genuinely a kind hearted, skillful, wise and empathetic person. Much more to come on my experience with Thomas and my spiritual guides.

Sincerely thank you for reading. 




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